What is OriginTrail? How does it work and use it?

OriginTrail is a Web3 infrastructure project that combines Knowledge Graph and blockchain technology to create a neutral and comprehensive ecosystem. This ecosystem is designed to promote the practical application of Web3 technologies, especially in the supply chain sector.

More detailed and interesting information about the OriginTrail project is waiting for you in upcoming content from AZcoin.

What is OriginTrail?

OriginTrail is a Web3 infrastructure project that combines Knowledge Graph and blockchain technology
OriginTrail is a Web3 infrastructure project that combines Knowledge Graph and blockchain technology

OriginTrail is a Web3 infrastructure project that combines Knowledge Graph and blockchain technology to create a neutral and inclusive ecosystem. It is an open-source and permissionless network that enhances transparency and security.

The OriginTrail ecosystem is designed to facilitate the practical adoption of Web3 technologies, particularly in the supply chain sector. The project operates through fast, automated connections and data links between devices used for processing supply chain data.

The connected data and information are then automatically stored on the blockchain network in the form of blocks. With this approach, OriginTrail introduces a new way of building transparency while providing the necessary foundation to establish trust and improve efficiency in the supply chain.

What makes OriginTrail special?

OriginTrail is a highly unique platform that combines blockchain technology with Knowledge Graph
OriginTrail is a highly unique platform that combines blockchain technology with Knowledge Graph

OriginTrail is a highly unique platform that combines blockchain technology with Knowledge Graph to create the Decentralized Knowledge Graph (DKG). This system significantly enhances the ability to exchange data between different systems and organizations reliably.

In addition, OriginTrail also possesses several outstanding features, including:

  • Data exchange standards: The platform’s architecture complies with GS1 standards recognized for supply chain management and consensus mechanisms. Additionally, it incorporates an Anti-theft Blockchain structure, providing a layer of protection against unauthorized data tampering.
  • Consensus mechanism verification in the supply chain: To ensure data integrity, the platform independently verifies data within the supply chain through consensus mechanism verification algorithms, and it also integrates zk-SNARK technology to protect sensitive information.
  • Seamless data sharing on OriginTrail: The platform has built its data layers on a hierarchical graph database, optimizing flexibility, performance, scalability, and cost efficiency for all operations.

Who developed OriginTrail?

OriginTrail is the proud product and achievement of Trace Labs
OriginTrail is the proud product and achievement of Trace Labs

OriginTrail is the proud product and achievement of Trace Labs, a for-profit company owned by three co-founders:

  • Tomaa Levak: Co-founder and CEO of OriginTrail, formerly a project manager at Monada doo, organizational advisor for the Kuwait Shooting Federation, and project coordinator for Social Incubator.
  • Ziga Drev: Co-founder and Managing Director of OriginTrail, responsible for managing stakeholders in complex supply chains in the European and Asian markets. He has been a speaker at numerous international conferences and holds a master’s degree from the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana.
  • Branimir Rakic: Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer of OriginTrail, formerly a lecturer at the SAE Institute and a network testing engineer at P3 Communications.

These three individuals not only developed the OriginTrail platform but also provided significant custom solutions for users. Their stated goal is to connect at least 100.000 organizations to the platform by 2023.

What is OriginTrail Token?

The OriginTrail platform currently owns two native tokens: TRAC and OTP
The OriginTrail platform currently owns two native tokens: TRAC and OTP

The OriginTrail platform currently owns two native tokens: TRAC and OTP, with each type having a different role on the platform.


  • Ticker: TRAC
  • Blockchain: Ethereum
  • Token Standard: ERC-20
  • Contract: 0xaa7a9ca87d3694b5755f213b5d04094b8d0f0a6f
  • Total Supply: 500.000.000 TRAC
  • Circulating Supply: 412.319.434 TRAC

TRAC Token Allocation

TRAC’s allocation rate is announced as follows:

  • Token sale: 35%
  • Founders and team: 20%
  • Future development fund: 15%
  • Advisors and early supporters: 10%
  • Ecosystem development fund: 10%
  • Legal entity reserve: 10%

OTP Token Allocation

OTP also owns a maximum total supply of 500 million tokens, distributed according to the following ratio:

  • Parachain lease offering: 50%
  • Ecosystem development fund: 20%
  • Team members and contributors: 15%
  • Investors: 10%
  • Advisors: 5%

TRAC and OTP Use Cases

The TRAC Tokens on the platform are mainly used as a payment method for data exchange services taking place within the network.

OTP Tokens on the platform are used to bring certain benefits to holders such as fast transactions, lower costs,…

How to own a TRAC token?

If you want to own TRAC, the simplest way is to buy it, the best crypto exchanges we recommend you are Coinbase, Kucoin, Uniswap,…


So together we have come to the end of all the overview content that we can synthesize and share about the OriginTrail platform. Thank you for taking the time to follow and see you again in new content from AZcoin.

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