What is RLC token? Is the future of decentralized cloud computing?

RLC token is the base currency that belongs to iExec, a decentralized cloud computing infrastructure, built on Ethereum blockchain technology. This platform was created to support large data applications and complex calculations.

For more detailed information about the RLC token and the platform it belongs to, please stay tuned for upcoming content from AZcoin!

What is RLC Token?

RLC is the base currency that belongs to iExec
RLC is the base currency that belongs to iExec

RLC is the base currency that belongs to iExec, a decentralized cloud computing infrastructure built on Ethereum blockchain technology to support decentralized applications (dApps). The platform offers a range of decentralized cloud computing services, providing flexible access to resources such as computation, datasets, and applications.

Additionally, the iExec platform facilitates decentralized resource providers to participate in the network through tokenized rewards. This creates a connection between resource sellers and buyers, promoting the development of a decentralized, autonomous, and privacy-preserving application ecosystem.

In other words, iExec was created to establish an ecosystem where users can rent computational resources and applications according to their needs.

What are iExec’s main products?

Let's find out what iExec's main products are
Let’s find out what iExec’s main products are

Below is a quick overview of the main and most notable products currently available on the iExec platform, including:

DApp Store

iExec aims to support applications and products in the fields of artificial intelligence, Big Data, IoT, and financial technology (fintech) that require high computational power. All applications built on this platform are listed on the DApp Store.

With it, users can explore and use their favorite dApps, while developers can release and monetize their dApps if they wish.

Data Marketplace

This is where data owners are connected with those who want to buy and utilize that data, allowing free data trading regardless of the source of collection. From here, individuals, data-gathering applications, and large corporations can all participate in this exchange.

The data available for transactions comes from various fields, and applications can purchase and run algorithms based on this new data, thanks to decentralized computing resources provided on the platform.

Cloud Marketplace

This marketplace offers users the ability to trade cloud computing resources, helping to solve the issues of cost and scalability in cloud infrastructure.

Here, users can share their idle computing resources on the network in exchange for RLC tokens as rewards or search for and select computing resources that meet their needs.

Who developed iExec?

iExec is a project co-founded by two names who are also the two individuals with the most contributions to the project
iExec is a project co-founded by two names who are also the two individuals with the most contributions to the project

According to information learned, iExec is a project co-founded by two names who are also the two individuals with the most contributions to the project, the following two names:

  • Gilles Fedak: Currently serving as the CEO of iExec, he has over 14 years of experience in cloud computing research and previously worked as a research scientist at INRIA. He holds a Master’s degree in Computer Science and a Ph.D. in Philosophy.
  • Haiwu He: A professor at the Computer Network Information Center (CNIC), he is also a professor at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a scholar at the Ministry of Education of China. He has previously worked at INRIA as a researcher.

Additionally, according to further information about the project, iExec has successfully raised 12 USD million in funding, with leading investors including Blockpower and Maven 11.

Basic information about RLC tokens?

Let's learn more about RLC tokens
Let’s learn more about RLC tokens


  • Ticker: RLC
  • Token type: ERC-20
  • Token uses: Utility
  • Total supply: 87.000.000 RLC

Token Allocation

RLC tokens are currently allocated as follows:

  • ICO: 69%
  • Team and Advisors: 17.2%
  • Emergency contingency funds: 6.9%
  • Network rewards and developments: 6.9%

RLC tokens Use Cases

RLC token is being used for transactions as well as payments for official services that the platform is providing.

How to own RLC tokens?

If you want to own RLC tokens, you can buy them, the best crypto exchanges we recommend you are Binance, Gate, Coinbase, Bittrex,…


So we have come to the end of all the content this time around the main topic, which is the RLC token. Thank you for taking the time to follow and see you again in new content from AZcoin.

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