Hold coin & Trade coin: What are the options for beginners?

Hold coin & Trade coin are two common investment strategies of many investors in the cryptocurrency market. These two forms are opposites, but they can be combined to bring huge profits for investors.

If you want to learn more information about Hold coin & Trade coin, please take a moment to follow the following content from AZcoin!

What is a Hold coin?

Hold coin is a term used to refer to the act of investing, buying a certain type of asset, and holding it for a long time
Hold coin is a term used to refer to the act of investing, buying a certain type of asset, and holding it for a long time


Hold coin in the cryptocurrency market is a term used to refer to the act of investing, buying a certain type of asset, and holding it for a long time. Only when the assets being held develop to meet expectations or no longer have development potential, can they be sold.

The entire process above is an investment strategy called Hold coin, a long-term investment strategy made based on confidence in the future development potential of the invested asset. This is a strategy that is considered quite easy to use, especially for newbies.

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  • Easy to implement, and does not require investors to have in-depth knowledge of the field of cryptocurrency to use.
  • Potential to increase prices and bring high profits if you find and invest in a project with a good future.
  • Safer and less risky during transactions compared to another investment strategy, Trade coin.
  • You can receive additional passive income from staking the assets you are holding.


  • Holding is a long-term strategy so your cash flow will not rotate, making it easier to miss other potential investment opportunities.
  • If you are unlucky enough to invest in underdeveloped projects, dead projects can lead to a lack of liquidity due to too few people making transactions or worse, losing everything invested.
  • Changes and new management sanctions from the virtual currency community or from the government itself can affect the value of the assets you are holding.
  • It is easy to affect psychology when investing with frequent fluctuations in the cryptocurrency market.

What is a Trade coin?

Trade coin is a term used to refer to the act buy the corresponding assets but will not keep them for too long, but will sell them when there is a price difference
Trade coin is a term used to refer to the act of buying the assets but will sell them when there is a price difference


Trade coin in the cryptocurrency market is also a term used to refer to an action or an investment strategy. However, in contrast to the Hold coin, which is a long-term investment strategy, the Trade coin is a short-term investment strategy.

Accordingly, investors using this strategy will also buy the corresponding assets but will not keep them for too long, but will sell them when there is a price difference. With this property, Trade coins are a very popular strategy used by experienced investors.

Also, if you need a safe and secure place to trade, please spend time checking out the best crypto exchange site here.


  • Can receive a profit more quickly because it is a short-term investment.
  • It is possible to identify risks from a project that lacks potential in order to significantly limit the risks.
  • Can grasp potential projects without fear of missing out.
  • There are diverse ways to make more profit.


  • Requires investors to have a large amount of knowledge and experience in the field of cryptocurrency to implement.
  • High pressure is due to requiring investors to continuously conduct buying and selling and market research.
  • Vulnerable to attacks from third parties due to the need to continuously perform transactions.

What’s the difference between a Hold coin & Trade coin?

Let's find out what the difference is between Hold coin and Trade coin
Let’s find out what the difference is between Hold coin and Trade coin

The main differences that can be easily seen between Hold coin & Trade coin are:

  • Form of implementation: Hold coins are done by buying and holding assets for a long time, only selling when it can make a profit, while Trade coins are done by quickly buying and selling assets to eat the difference.
  • Investment time: Hold coin is a long-term investment strategy while Trade coin focuses more on quickly buying and selling existing assets to make arbitrage profits.
  • Risk level: Hold coin is an investment strategy that is considered highly safe and easier to implement, while Trade coin contains a lot of risk for each transaction.
  • Requires knowledge: To perform Hold coin does not require too much knowledge about the cryptocurrency market, but Trade coin requires a certain amount of knowledge to do so.

Hold coin & Trade coin, which option is for beginners?

Hold coin is an option for beginners
Hold coin is an option for beginners

From what we have learned so far about Hold coin & Trade coin, you probably have your answer as to which strategy is the best for new investors. That is nothing more than Hold coin, a strategy that is easy to implement, safe, easy to profit, and does not require a high level of knowledge.

However, don’t just use the Hold coin strategy, but expand many other investment strategies. Only then can you go further in this cryptocurrency market.


Here is all the information we can share with you about Hold coin & Trade coin. Hope this has helped you understand more about these two terms. If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to contact AZcoin.

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