What is Slippage Tolerance in Crypto? How does it work

What is Slippage Tolerance in Crypto and why it has become a deciding factor for many investors’ success or failure?

In this article, AZcoin will help you better understand this concept and how to manage it effectively.

What is Slippage Tolerance in Crypto?

Slippage tolerance is the level of price difference that users are willing to accept when making a transaction.
Slippage tolerance is the level of price difference that users are willing to accept when making a transaction.

Slippage Tolerance is the difference between the price at confirmation and the actual transaction price users accept when swapping on AMMs. It’s set as a percentage of the swap value.

In volatile markets or low-liquidity pools, accepting higher slippage and slippage tolerance can help complete transactions faster and avoid failures.

Why is slippage tolerance in Crypto important?

Slippage tolerance in crypto is crucial because it helps to protect traders from unexpected price fluctuations during the execution of their trades. Here’s why it’s important:

  • Preventing Losses: Slippage happens when cryptocurrency’s price changes significantly between placing and executing a trade. Setting a slippage tolerance helps traders limit potential losses if the price moves unfavorably.
  • Ensure Order Execution: In volatile markets, where cryptocurrency prices can change quickly, traders use slippage tolerance. This feature lets orders be filled at prices within a specified range, improving the chances of successful execution even if the exact price is no longer available.
  • Managing Risk: Slippage tolerance can be used as a risk management tool. By setting a reasonable slippage tolerance, traders can control the amount of risk they are willing to take on a particular trade.
  • Optimizing Trading Strategies: Understanding slippage tolerance helps traders improve their strategies. For instance, using a wider slippage tolerance can be beneficial for larger trades or less volatile cryptocurrencies.

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Advantages and disadvantages of slippage tolerance

Increased ability to execute trades in highly volatile conditions
Increased ability to execute trades in highly volatile conditions


  • Increased Execution Probability: Higher slippage tolerance boosts the chances of order execution, especially in volatile markets or for large orders.
  • Faster Trade Execution: Greater tolerance allows for quicker trades by accepting a wider range of prices.
  • Lower Risk of Rejection: In volatile markets, higher tolerance reduces the risk of order rejection due to sudden price changes.


  • Increased Cost: A higher slippage tolerance means you might pay more than the initial quoted price.
  • Reduced Profit Potential: If the market moves against you, a higher tolerance can lead to bigger losses.
  • Loss of Control: A wider range of prices means less control over the exact execution price of your trade.

Effectively Managing Slippage Tolerance

Set the slippage tolerance level to suit market conditions.
Set the slippage tolerance level to suit market conditions.

Slippage, the difference between the expected price of a trade and the actual price at which it’s executed, can significantly impact your trading profits. Here are effective strategies to manage slippage tolerance in Crypto:

  • Set a Maximum Price: Define the highest price you’re willing to pay for a security.
  • Use Limit Orders: Prevent slippage by avoiding execution at unfavorable prices.
  • Be Cautious with Market Orders: These are executed immediately at the best available price, which can lead to slippage in volatile markets.
  • Choose Timing Wisely: Place market orders during low volatility to reduce slippage.
  • Set Stop-Loss Orders: Protect profits by selling if the price drops below a certain level.
  • Manage Losses: Limit potential losses during sudden market declines.
  • Reduce Market Impact: Use smaller orders to avoid moving the market and to decrease slippage.
  • Increase Flexibility: Smaller orders allow frequent strategy adjustments.
  • Trade in High Liquidity Markets: High liquidity means more buyers and sellers, which reduces slippage.
  • Avoid Peak Hours: Trade during lower volume periods to minimize slippage.
  • Consider News Events: Stay aware of the news that might affect market volatility and adjust your strategy.
  • Set Slippage Tolerance: Many platforms let you specify the maximum acceptable price deviation to avoid excessive slippage.
  • Stay Informed: Keep track of market trends, news, and economic indicators, and adjust your strategy as needed.

How to set slippage tolerance

Slippage tolerance is often implemented in trading applications such as crypto wallets or DeFi platforms.
Slippage tolerance is often implemented in trading applications such as crypto wallets or DeFi platforms.

The exact steps may vary slightly depending on the specific platform or exchange you’re using, but the general process is:

  • Look for a setting labeled “Slippage“, “Maximum Slippage” or something similar. It’s usually found near the order placement area.
  • Choose a percentage that you are comfortable with. Higher percentages allow for more price movement, but also increase the risk of negative trade. Conversely, lower percentages reduce risk, but may result in fewer trades being executed.

Factors to consider when setting Slippage Tolerance

  • Market Volatility: Higher volatility may require a higher slippage tolerance.
  • Trade Size: Larger trades often experience more slippage, so adjust your tolerance accordingly.
  • Liquidity: Low liquidity can increase slippage, so consider raising your tolerance in such markets.
  • Time Sensitivity: For quick trades, a higher slippage tolerance may be acceptable.


So, the above information that we provided has helped you learn all the information about Slippage Tolerance. Thank you for taking the time to follow and see you again in other shared content of AZCoin.

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